Join the Fight for Paid Leave
We are building a coalition of advocates across North Carolina to join the in the fight for paid leave. Sign up for our action network to get informational resources, action alerts, and updates about our work.
News and Updates
Beyond Tradition: Ensuring Inclusive Paid Family Leave in North Carolina
In North Carolina, it is beyond time to recognize and support the diverse and dynamic structures that define our families. A critical step in...
#FMLA30 Virtual Exhibition
#FMLA30–art exhibit marking the 30th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act. Featuring the portraits and stories of North Carolinians who have struggled without paid leave, the exhibit highlights the urgent need to invest in paid leave.
Huge Win for Working Parents: Passing of PWFA and PUMP Act
In a huge win for working parents, the 117th Congress passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act on December 29th, 2022. The PWFA will go into effect on June 27th, 2023, while all but one provision of the PUMP Act went into effect with the stroke of President Biden’s pen. These bills represent more than a decade of persistence by state and national organizations to protect working parents on the job.

Why Providing Paid Sick Days is Good for Everyone
Everyone gets sick, but more than a million workers in North Carolina have no opportunity to earn paid sick leave. When illness inevitably strikes, they must take unpaid time off — sacrificing their wages so they can get well or care for sick loved ones. They may even face retaliation from their employers and could lose their jobs. And even if they come to work, their sickness can spread to customers and fellow employees. Download our factsheet to learn the many reasons why providing paid sick days is good for working people, businesses, public health and the entire economy.

Paid Family & Sick Leave is Good for Seniors
North Carolina has a growing elderly population. Many seniors rely on family members to care for them in the event of a health crisis. Some are still participating in the workforce, and have no support in the event of serious illness or injury. Others are themselves caregivers for their family members. All seniors and their families would benefit greatly from having access to paid leave, but only 13 percent of working people in the Southeast have access to a paid leave policy. From needing care to providing care, learn about the many ways paid and sick leave is good for seniors in our PDF factsheet.

Paid Family and Medical Leave is Good for Local Governments
All working people need time to welcome a new child home or care for a seriously ill family member. Yet too many North Carolinians are forced to choose between doing what is best for their families and earning the wages they need to support them. Fortunately, some county and municipal governments are leading the way in addressing this problem by enacting paid leave policies for local government employees. Download our factsheet for more details on why local governments should provide their workers with paid family medical leave.

Paid Family and Medical Leave is Good for Workers, Businesses, and North Carolina’s Economy
Only 12 percent of the U.S. workers have access to paid family leave through their employers, and less than 40 percent have personal medical leave through an employer-provided temporary disability program. The Family and Medical Leave Act—the only federal law designed to help working people meet the dual demands of job and family— leaves out 40 percent of the workforce and guarantees only unpaid leave, which millions cannot afford to take. While many people argue that paid leave can cost businesses money and hurt the economy, the opposite is in fact true. Paid family and medical leave strengthens local economies, saves businesses money, and helps attract and retain workers — get the details in our factsheet.

Why We Need More than Just the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Since its implementation in 1993, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) has enabled more than 35 million workers to deal with health issues or family responsibilities without risking their jobs. But FMLA doesn’t go far enough. Today, many workers are responsible for the care of their extended or blended families, and the current law leaves many of them unprotected. Working North Carolinians deserve access to job-protected medical leave to care for their families. Download our factsheet to learn more about why providing expanded family and medical leave is good for workers, good for businesses, and good for the economy.