In North Carolina, it is beyond time to recognize and support the diverse and dynamic structures that define our families. A critical step in this direction is the implementation of paid family and medical leave laws and paid sick and safe days laws that...
The Justice Center-led NC Families Care Coalition, in partnership with the national Paid Leave for All campaign, is hosting a month-long exhibit at Artspace in downtown Raleigh. #FMLA30 commemorates 30 years of the Family Medical Leave Act. The exhibit features six...
In a huge win for working parents, the 117th Congress passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act on December 29th, 2022. The PWFA will go into effect on June 27th, 2023, while all but...
The Senate’s failure to pass the Build Back Better Act in December was a frustrating moment in the fight for paid leave, but it doesn’t mean we’re giving up. While the federal government has recently shifted focus to the important work of protecting...
This Father’s Day, our coalition is collecting stories about the importance of paid leave and paid sick days for dads, AND about the importance of being able to be there for our dads when they need a caregiver. With that in mind, our guiding question is: What...